State-of-the-art medical and surgical care for the eyes


Ocular Surface Disease

The surface layers of the eye include the conjunctiva, a clear covering of the white part, and the cornea, a clear covering over the colorful iris and black pupil. A delicate epithelium safeguards these layers. Ocular surface disease happens when this protective layer gets damaged, which can result from various conditions; the two most common ones are Blepharitis and Dry Eye Syndrome.

When the epithelium is compromised, it can lead to pain, redness, impaired vision, and potentially permanent injury to the cornea or conjunctiva. The treatment for ocular surface disease depends on the underlying cause. At Eye Care Professionals, we specialize in diagnosing and treating these diseases to


Blepharitis is a condition that primarily impacts the eyelids and eyelash follicles, often triggered by factors such as bacteria, allergies, or dry eyes. This leads to inflammation, redness, and scaling of the eyelids, causing discomfort.

Blepharitis is commonly categorized into two types: anterior, which affects the front aspect of the eyelids including the lashes, and posterior, which affects the eyelid margin including the Meibomian glands. However, it is important to note that many eyes can have both forms simultaneously.

Symptoms of Blepharitis Include:

  • Redness, swelling, and crusting of the eyelids
  • Itchy eyelids
  • Burning or stinging sensation in the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Tearing
  • Loss of eyelashes

Why Do I Have Blepharitis?

There are a number of reasons why you might have blepharitis. The most common causes include:

  • Bacterial infection: Blepharitis can be caused by bacteria that live on the skin and eyelashes.
  • Demodex mites: Demodex mites are tiny mites that live in the hair follicles of the eyelashes. They can cause blepharitis when they multiply too much.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes dandruff and oily skin. It can also cause blepharitis.
  • Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and inflammation of the face. It can also cause blepharitis.
  • Allergic reactions: Blepharitis can be caused by allergic reactions to eye makeup, contact lens solution, or other allergens.
  • Dry eye: Dry eye can also cause blepharitis.

Blepharitis Surgery and Other Treatments


Most cases of blepharitis can be treated with non-surgical methods like warm compresses, eyelid scrubs, antibiotic ointments or eye drops, and oral antibiotics. However, in severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

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Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye is a common condition, affecting at least 6.8 percent of the U.S. adult population. If you’ve been experiencing dry, scratchy eyes lately, you might be one of them. The underlying cause of dry eye is a disruption in the balance of tears. Tears typically consist of three layers: oil, water, and mucus. In the case of dry eye, the water layer of tears is often insufficient, causing tears to evaporate too quickly or not spread evenly over the cornea.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Include:

  • A stinging, scratchy, or burning sensation in your eyes.
  • Feeling like something is stuck inside your eyes.
  • Excess watering, or tearing.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • Eye redness.

These symptoms can vary from person to person and don’t necessarily predict the presence and severity of dry eye disease. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to talk to your ophthalmologist in Reno.

So Why Are My Eyes Dry?

Healthy eyes are constantly producing tears to keep themselves lubricated. When eyes fail to produce these tears – or produce the wrong kind of tears – dry eye symptoms can arise. There are multiple factors that can result in dry eyes, such as:

  • Aging: Tear production decreases with age, leading to symptoms of dry eye. Menopause can also contribute to the condition.
  • Tear quality: Dry eye disease often involves difficulties in producing the water layer of tears, causing rapid evaporation or uneven spread over the cornea.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, oral contraceptives, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants, can reduce tear production.
  • Environment: Factors like heaters, air conditioning units, smoke, and prolonged computer use can lead to quick evaporation of tears and dry eye symptoms.
  • Other diseases or disorders: Illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid conditions can affect tear production.

Dry Eye Surgery and Other Treatments

Dry eye disease is typically chronic, with symptoms that come and go over time. Treatment for dry eyes includes artificial tears, prescription eye medications, and in-office procedures. Lifestyle changes – for instance, reducing the amount of time you spend on the computer – can also help reduce the discomfort of dry eyes.

Dry eye surgery is typically recommended for severe cases of dry eye that haven’t responded to other treatments. It can involve procedures like punctal occlusion and meibomian gland surgery.

Punctal occlusion and meibomian gland surgery are two procedures used in eye care.

Punctal occlusion involves blocking tear ducts to retain tears, while meibomian gland surgery targets glands responsible for oil production to prevent tear evaporation. These procedures, such as punctal plugs, cauterization, Lipiflow, and meibomian gland expression, are commonly performed to address these specific eye conditions.

At Eye Care Professionals we offer a number of dry eye treatments, including a dry eye surgery like Lipiflow, as well as comprehensive eye exams to rule out any other conditions. For more information about how we can help your eye health, contact our Reno ophthalmologists today.

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