Are you tired of the inconvenience that comes with glasses or contacts? If so, you’ve probably considered getting LASIK eye surgery. Although having someone operate on your eyes can be daunting, you can rest assured that LASIK is a safe and effective procedure. 

But one of the biggest questions in patients’ minds is whether the procedure is painful. Every patient is unique and may experience different levels of discomfort during and after the surgery. Some patients would describe the procedure as pain-free, while others would express mild discomfort.

So, to help ease up your mind, we’ll go over the possible culprits of pain during LASIK eye surgery and what to expect during this procedure. 

What Can Cause Pain During Surgery?

During LASIK surgery, your doctor will numb your eyes with numbing eye drops, so you shouldn’t feel any pain. However, a few things could cause discomfort during the procedure.

LASIK is a surgery that involves using a laser to reshape the cornea of your eye. As with any surgical procedure, a certain pain level is rare but possible. The doctor uses a suction ring during the procedure, which can cause pressure or soreness.

Another possible cause of discomfort is the use of a microkeratome or femtosecond laser to create a flap in the cornea. This part of the procedure can cause mild pressure or a pulling sensation, but it should not be painful.

How Painful Is LASIK Eye Surgery?

lasik eye surgery

Every patient is different, and some may experience more pain than others. However, it’s reported that most patients feel a pressure sensation or discomfort during the procedure, not pain. 

The anesthetic eye drops used to numb the eye are usually sufficient to prevent pain or discomfort during the procedure.

After the procedure, you may experience mild soreness or eye irritation. This is normal and usually goes away within a few days. Your eye doctor will prescribe eye drops to help alleviate any discomfort or dryness you may experience.

In rare cases, some patients may experience pain or discomfort that lasts longer than a few days. Contact your eye doctor immediately if you experience severe pain, blurry vision, or any other unusual symptoms.

What to Expect After a LASIK Surgery?

In the days and weeks following your LASIK surgery, you may experience some additional discomfort or side effects. These include dry eyes, blurry vision, light sensitivity, and halos or glare around lights. While these symptoms can be uncomfortable, they typically subside within a week. 

Your eye doctor will provide detailed instructions for managing these symptoms and ensuring a successful recovery. After LASIK surgery, taking care of your eyes is important to ensure a smooth recovery. Your eye doctor will give you artificial tear drops and specific instructions on caring for your eyes after the procedure.

After the surgery, you must avoid rubbing your eyes, swimming, or engaging in any activities that could cause debris or dirt to enter your eyes for a few weeks. Most patients notice an improvement in their vision within the first day after the surgery, but it may take a few weeks for your eyes to heal fully and for your vision to stabilize.

See the World Clearly With LASIK Eye Surgery in Reno

eye exam

Are you tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly? LASIK eye surgery is a safe and effective option for improving your vision and quality of life. At Eye Care Professionals in Reno, Nevada, our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality eye care services.

You may experience mild discomfort or pressure during the LASIK procedure, but rest assured that it is typically pain-free. After the surgery, you may experience some soreness or irritation in the eyes, but with proper care and follow-up appointments with your eye doctor, you can expect a speedy recovery and improved vision.

Trust the experts at Eye Care Professionals to provide you with safe, effective, and pain-free LASIK eye surgery in Reno. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a better quality of life.