Visionary Blog2023-05-31T21:07:38+00:00


Experts in state-of-the-art LASIK, Refractive, Cataract, and Glaucoma Care.


Visionary Blog

  • rle-eye-surgery-cost

How Much Does RLE Eye Surgery Cost?

If you're considering Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) eye surgery to correct your vision and reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses, one of your primary concerns may be the cost. But what is RLE eye surgery? RLE eye surgery is a refractive lens exchange procedure that permanently replaces your natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). It is usually done [...]

  • lasik-eye-surgery-safe

Is It Safe? All About the LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure

When it comes to our precious eyesight, it's only natural to have concerns and questions about procedures like LASIK eye surgery. LASIK is a very popular procedure that helps you correct your vision without wearing glasses or contacts, but you might wonder, "Is LASIK eye surgery safe?". For a short answer, yes! It is safe. LASIK vision correction surgery has been [...]

Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) vs. LASIK: Which One Is Right for You?

When deciding between ICL and LASIK, the choice ultimately depends on individual factors. Each procedure has advantages, making one more suitable for certain patients based on their needs. There are various differences between the two, including the type of laser used and the amount of tissue removed. There is no correct answer to which of these procedures to choose, as [...]

  • is rle surgery safe

Is RLE Surgery Safe?

Blurry vision is frustrating and makes it difficult to live life to the fullest. Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) surgery, also known as clear lens extraction, has become popular for people seeking improved vision and clarity. With modern eye care surgery advancements, the constraints of impaired vision no longer need to hold you back. Emerging procedures have paved the way for [...]

  • can-you-have-rle-after-lasik

Can You Have RLE After LASIK?

Laser eye surgeries are the most common procedure for vision correction. The most popular laser eye surgery to have is LASIK. LASIK surgery is a procedure in which a specialized laser is used to precisely and carefully remove corneal tissue, reshaping the cornea to adjust its focusing power. Another option for vision correction surgeries is RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange). RLE [...]

  • what is the difference between lasik and laser eye surgery

LASIK vs Laser Eye Surgery: What Are the Differences?

LASIK, or Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, has become the most popular procedure to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism in just 10 minutes on average per eye. The popularity increased due to having the quickest recovery and the least discomfort in the recovery period of all the laser eye surgery methods. Then what is the difference between [...]

  • Dr. Matthew Mills, M.D. of Eye Care Professionals Named One of the Best Cataract Surgeons in America

Dr. Matthew Mills, M.D. Named One of the Best Cataract Surgeons in America

Eye Care Professionals is pleased to announce that our lead ophthalmologist and owner, Dr. Matthew Mills, M.D. has been recognized as one of the best cataract surgeons in America. This distinction is awarded by the organization, Best Cataract Surgeons in America, that works to provide information to patients investigating cataracts and cataract surgery options. Surgeons are nominated by fellow professionals [...]

  • is lasik eye surgery worth it

Is LASIK Eye Surgery Worth It? Pros & Cons

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of glasses or contacts? Do you want to explore a permanent solution for your vision correction needs? If you're considering LASIK eye surgery, you're not alone. Many individuals like you are curious about the benefits and drawbacks of this popular procedure. In this article, we'll delve into the details of LASIK eye [...]

  • refractive lens exchange

Understanding Refractive Lens Exchange

Using glasses may not be the most suitable option. While glasses can provide clear vision for many daily activities, they can be less practical for high-performance sports and other physical activities. On the other hand, using contacts requires extreme care and hygiene habits; otherwise, this can result in serious infections and other severe eye complications. If you want to improve [...]



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